3 avril 2019 -
5 avril 2019 / MONS


yCAM 2019 : young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing Forum

yCAM is a symposium and a forum on the topic of Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics, dedicated to young scientists. yCAM is an initiative of Europe Makes Ceramics (EMC), the Additive Manufacturing network of the European Ceramic Society (ECerS); this edition is supported by the University of Mons and its Research Institute for Material Science and Engineering and by the Belgian Ceramic Research Centre (BCRC).
Everyone interested in AM who is a student, young researcher or young professional (up to PhD + 8 years) is very welcome to join the event. yCAM 2019 is a place for open discussion, combining high quality scientific presentations with fresh and relaxed discussion at all levels, from learning the basics of new technologies to sharing practical experiences.


European Ceramic Society


3 avril 2019 -
5 avril 2019


Université de Mons
Amphithéatre Richard Stiévenart, 53, Rue du Joncquois, 7000 MONS