France – Rennes – Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes (ISCR)

Contact GFC : Odile Merdrignac-Conanec
UMR 6226 CNRS – Université de Rennes 1
263, avenue du Général Leclerc
Campus de Beaulieu – Bâtiment 10B
F-35042 Rennes Cedex
Director : Dr. Marc Fourmigué
website :
The Glasses and Ceramics Laboratory, one of the 11 research laboratories of the Institute, is specialized, for more than 30 years, in the preparation of non-conventional ceramics and glasses, in the (oxy)nitride, (oxy)sulfide, chalcogenide and halide systems. The research activities are focused on four thematics :
• Glass and Glass-ceramics (XH. Zhang, L. Calvez, HL Ma, M. Poulain, J. Rocherullé, P. Bénard-Rocherullé)
• Nitride Materials and Ceramics (F. Tessier, F. Cheviré, R. Lebullenger, O. Merdrignac-Conanec)
• Thin films and Optical Fibers (V. Nazabal, JL Adam, L. Spanhel, J. Troles)
• Infrared Sensors (B. Bureau, C. Boussard, J. Lucas)
Applications :
• visible photocatalysis, materials for batteries and supercapacitors, chemical sensors, heterogeneous catalysis, colored pigments, p-type semiconductors, luminophors, foaming glasses …
• far-IR transparent Te-based glasses for spatial applications, IR transparent ceramics and glass-ceramics for active (luminophors, laser ceramics, wavelength conversion…) and passive (transparent armors, missiles domes) applications, microstructured fibers, integrated wave guides, marine pollutants detection, monitoring of CO2 storage geologic sites…