7 octobre 2019 -
11 octobre 2019 /


Ec-siliconf1 – Hongrie

All scientists, PhD students engineers and experts as well as manufacturers users and product developers are welcome in event of the

1st European Conference on Silicon and Silica Based Materials

which will be held in Hungary in the wonderful natural environment of the Mountains Bükk at Miskolc-Lillafüred in Hotel Palota in October 7-11th, 2019.

In our days the silicon (Si), silica (SiO2) and other silicon content materials are wide range used and have appearances including nanoscale, liquid, melt, solid, powder, crystal and amorphous structures. The aims of the ec-siliconf1 are the creation of an interdisciplinary European and worldwide forum on the silicon and silica content materials and fostering of collaboration among scientists, researchers, PhD students, engineers as well as universities, research institutions and industry.

The 1st European Conference on Silicon and Silica Based Materials provides a platform for leading material scientists, metallurgists, ceramists, physicists, chemists, pharmacists, doctors and physicians, researchers, PhD students and engineers for discussing recent achievements in development, production, application, characterization, measurement and modeling of silicon, silica and other silicon content materials and composites.

The peer reviewed and accepted papers of the conference will be published in United Kingdom in the OPEN ACCESS periodical of Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS). At present JPCS has H=57 Index values with Q3 citations and 0.42 SJR value. The conference participants have also opportunities to publish their unpublished original manuscripts free of charge in the scientific journal Építőanyag-JSBCM which has a good Citation Index (ISI Impact Factor: 1,079) and is refered by THOMSON REUTERS, by INDEX COPERNICUS and many others. (See https://en.epitoanyag.org.hu )


Prof. Dr. László A.GÖMZE
Prof. Dr. Irina HUSSAINOVA
Prof. Dr. Gundars MEZINSKIS

date et horaires

7 octobre 2019 -
11 octobre 2019, 00:00 - 23:59.




Local Organizing Committee
IGRICI, Rákóczi utca 2.

